Alpine Elementary Preschool is a high-quality, play-based program where academics and social emotional activities are integrated throughout the daily schedule. Students have numerous opportunities to engage in math, art, literacy, movement, and dramatic play within the weekly centers. Being an International Baccalaureate (IB) school, Alpine emphasizes six distinct units of inquiry and integrates Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) into the educational journey.
- Morning and afternoon sessions for 3 and 4-year-olds, Monday through Thursday. Morning class runs from 8:55 a.m. to 11:35 a.m., and afternoon class from 12:50 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- Alpine Elementary preschool program emphasizes kindergarten readiness through academic and social skill preparation for school entry.
- Highly-qualified teachers with nearly 40 years combined experience in early childhood education.

Special Education within St. Vrain Valley Schools identifies children ages birth to 21 who may be eligible to receive special education services. Federal and state law requires eligible children to receive free preschool once the student has turned 3 years of age. Our Preschool Program works collaboratively with the Child Find staff (District Special Education Department) in the assessment, identification and programming for children with disabilities. If a child qualifies for special education services, the Child Find team partners with parents and guardians to determine the appropriate placement and services based on each students individual needs.
The Colorado Preschool Program (CPP) is a state-funded, free program for eligible children identified with certain risk factors. St. Vrain offers four half-days of preschool to CPP eligible children. All CPP preschool students must be 4 years of age on or before October 1. Support services for parents and guardians are part of the program and families are involved as partners in their child’s education experience.