All books are due back in 1 week. Renewals may be requested at the time the book is brought in on your library day. Overdue notices will be sent out every 4-6 weeks. Please send these books back promptly. Fees may be assigned if left unreturned. Also, multi-used books are purchased especially for the library. As much as I appreciate books being bought in the case that they have been lost, I do not use single use books ( books bought at a book store, Amazon, or other online store). Library books are purchased with a special library binding to be able to handle the large amount of use encountered at a school. If a fee is assigned, please allow me to repurchase the book with a library binding so it may be used for the long term. If you have any questions or concerns about a specific book, please feel free to reach me at [email protected]. I’m happy to assist you!
I’m always looking for a little extra help around the library. If you have some time to invest in our school and volunteer, I’d love to hear from you! Thank you for supporting Alpine!