Parent & Community Involvement

Parent, guardian, and family engagement is important in supporting the success of Alpine Elementary students. Accordingly, there are many ways for families to get involved.

Parent Volunteers

If you are interested in volunteering in your student’s classroom or at the school, please contact your student’s teacher or our front office at 720-652-8140.

School Accountability Committee

The School Accountability Committee is an opportunity for parents and community members to have a voice in the continuous school improvement process. This team of volunteers meets with a teacher representative and the building principal 4-6 times per year to review school data, including climate surveys and achievement testing results.  Members of the team learn about the continuous school improvement process as well as the progress of the students at Alpine Elementary, and offer insight and feedback.  Members serve two years on a rotating basis, so 1-2 seats are open at the beginning of each school year. The School Improvement Team is an excellent way for members of the Alpine community to help us continue to achieve our very best. For more information, please contact our front office at 720-652-8140.

Current Members

  • Michelle Rosinski – Parent/PTO
  • Amy Sigrest – Parent
  • Kelli Fischer – Parent
  • Becky Knapp – Staff Member
  • Amber Marsolek – Principal

Upcoming Meeting

  • October 18, 3:45-5:00

Parent Teacher Organization

Are you interested in supporting students and connecting with the Alpine Community?

We have something for you; from quick tasks to do from home, at school, before school, after school, evenings, committees or behind the scenes. There are many activities to connect to our community just for YOU and with just the amount of time you can give! 

  • Here are just a few:
  • Alpine Community Night
  • Fund Run
  • Staff Appreciation
  • Alpine Family Picnic
  • Conference Week Meals
  • School Directory
  • Yearbook
  • Plus much more!

Interested or questions? Email a[email protected] or see a PTO member or Alpine Staff member.

AEPTO Officers 2023-2024

  • Co-Presidents: Maura Brady-McMullen & Shannon Hereford
  • Treasurer: Sarah Venezia
  • Secretary: Damaris Villa Llamas
  • Staff Representatives: Deb Bonner & Becky Ramsay

PTO Forms – Support our students all year long with these programs

Marquee Request Form

For a small donation fee, personal messages for students may be requested to be displayed on the school marquee. Fill out a request from, and submit to the office 1 week in advance of the desired time for the message to appear. This time frame allows us to receive, approve and plan your message. Birthdays, congratulations, good lucks and more can be considered. Request forms are available in the school lobby.

King Soopers & Safeway Reward Program

A great way to support our students is to participate in the King Soopers Community Reward Program or the Safeway Community Giving Card Program. Our school earns funds just by shopping at our local grocery stores!! And there is no cost to participants!

Our school earns 5% of your total purchases form King Soopers just by electronically connecting your KS Card to the school. Safeway’s program involves using gift cards for final payment.


Box Tops is going digital. The new mobile app scans your store receipt, automatically finds participating products, and instantly adds the Box Tops to the school’s earnings. No clipping required! Link for more information. 

Milk Caps for MOOOLA

One of our ongoing programs is Milk Caps for MOOOLA, which is a program designed by Longmont Dairy that helps students earn money for their school. If you utilize Longmont Dairy Milk, remember to save your bottle caps and bring the caps to school. All caps can be placed in the designated Longmont Dairy box, located within the front doors of Alpine. For more information:

PTO Guidelines and Bylaws 

AEPTO Guidelines

AEPTO Bylaws

PTO Minutes:

PTO General Meeting Minutes August 29, 2023

PTO General Meeting Minutes October 17, 2023

PTO General Meeting Minutes October 24, 2023

Questions about any of these programs, meetings or forms, please email [email protected].

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Alpine Elementary School