Staff Highlight 5-9-19

Weekly Staff Member Highlight
In an effort to introduce our fabulous staff to the broader community, we highlight one staff member a week in our newsletter. Instead of typical bios, we will present some fun info about each person. For full bios, please visit our website.

Please meet:  Sarah Rauker
Position:  ELL Teacher
One item checked off her bucket list:    I ran the Hood to Coast relay in Oregon 

One item not yet checked off her bucket list: I’d like to travel to South America. 

Favorite teacher and why:    My favorite teacher was Mr. D’Arcangelos. He taught me to love the scientific process.  

Morning bird or night owl:    I run on coffee all of the time.

His favorite part of her job:      

I love all of my students and how everyday is different.

What’s the best way to start the day?:    

With a cup of coffee and playing cards with my family.
The biggest risk he has taken in his life:     

Moving from VA to CO by myself.
Something he admires about hir students:     

They speak more than one language.
What is one random thing that you are very knowledgeable about?    Chickens. 

What inspires you:   Working mommies from around the world.

Alpine Elementary School