Last week our fifth graders had an opportunity to go to Cal-Wood Outdoor Education Camp for a 2 day, one night adventure. They hiked through the mountains, built makeshift shelters, gathered around the campfire, and learned about the local habitat.
Thank you to our Alpine PTO for paying for the transportation for our students to attend.
Principal Notes
Hello Alpine Families,
The excitement is building as we approach one of the most anticipated events of the year—our Annual Alpine Elementary FundRun! Mark your calendars for Friday, September 20th, and get ready for a day filled with fun, community spirit, and healthy activity!
This event is more than just a fundraiser; it’s our one BIG opportunity to come together as a community, support our amazing school, and celebrate with friends and family. Students will run with their classmates, enjoying the fresh air while helping raise essential funds for our school programs and activities.
We’ve got some extra treats in store, too! Various food trucks will be joining us, offering delicious options for everyone. And don’t forget the cotton candy—students who have earned a special coupon will receive it for free, and for everyone else, it’s only $1. We’ll also have face painting available for $1, so you can bring your school spirit to life in full color!
This is an event you won’t want to miss. Let’s make this year’s FundRun the best yet! We can’t wait to see our entire Alpine community come together to support our school and have a fantastic time.
See you there!
Amber Marsolek EdD – Principal
Jennifer Dalby EdD – Dean of Students
Upcoming Events
Sunday, September 15: Last Day to purchase iPad Insurance
Tuesday, September 17: Alpine PTO Meeting 3:45pm-5:00pm
Friday, September 20: FundRun 4:30pm – 7:30pm
Tuesday, September 24: Alpine PTO Meeting 3:45pm-5:00pm
Wednesday, September 25: 4H Club 7:45am-8:30am
Thursday, September 26: Allegria Rehearsal 8:10am-8:45am
Monday, September 30: Superintendent’s Town Hall Meeting, 5:30-7:00 at Mead High School
Thursday, October 3: Hearing and Vision Recheck
Monday, October 7: Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00pm-8:00pm
Tuesday, October 8: Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00pm-8:00pm
Wednesday, October 9: Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00pm-8:00pm
Wednesday, October 9: Picture Retake
Friday, October 11: No School
Monday, October 14: No School

Only Seven Days to Go Alpine!
There is only one week until the 20th Annual Alpine FUNDRun. Alpine’s PTO is excited to celebrate our students, teachers and community next Friday, September 20. The event kicks off at 4:30 p.m. on the Alpine blacktop. We’ll have cotton candy ($1), face painting ($1), food trucks and music from DJ Nic of Nic’s Mobile Music.
Students can still raise funds for the next week to earn really fun prizes. Classes that hit their fundraising goal will earn a prize, and if the whole school earns $38,000 we’ll celebrate with an ice cream party for every student and staff member (allergies will be accounted for)!
Alpine PTO can’t wait to see everyone next Friday, and we look forward to connecting with all of you at this amazing community event. If you have any questions, please email the PTO: [email protected]
See you Friday!
Here are the running times for all grade levels:
4:30 p.m. – Arrival and welcome
4:45 – 4:55 – Pre-K and Kindergarten
5:00 – 5:15 – 1st graders
5:20 – 5:35 – 2nd graders
5:40 – 5:55 – 3rd graders
6:00 – 6:15 – 4th graders
6:20 – 6:35 – 5th graders
6:40 – 7:30 – Closing and Clean up
PTO Agenda Notes
Did you miss Alpine PTO Meeting? Don’t worry we will be posting our agenda notes here:
Agenda Notes: 9/10
Agenda Notes: 8/27
iPad Insurance

Student iPad Insurance closes on September 15th. Parents/ Guardians who wish to purchase iPad insurance for this year will need to make at least a partial payment by this date.
Vex Robotics and Parade

The Alpine Community showed up strong for the Public Education Parade on Saturday. Our VEX-IQ Robotics team represented us well and many families showed up to cheer us on. Monty the Mountain Lion even made an appearance.
Meet the Teacher

We are so excited for parent teacher conferences coming up. This is a great opportunity for you to see how your student is doing. We look forward to seeing you. Meet the teacher link will go live on Monday, September 16 at 4:00pm. If you have more than one student you will need to sign in for each individual student using their student number. Keep an eye out for an email from Infinite Campus with steps on how to log on.
Gifted and Talented
Gifted and Talented Referrals
Each year, schools in St. Vrain Valley School District complete a process to identify students who demonstrate exceptional ability or performance in one or more academic and/or talent areas and may, therefore, qualify for Gifted/Talented educational services. These students usually perform at least two years above grade level in their strength area(s), and they require additional academic challenges in order to support their continued educational growth and progress. In addition, they usually demonstrate characteristics of unique creativity and high motivation in their strength areas.
Referrals are open through the month of September and will close on the last day of the month. Referrals after that date will be addressed on a case by case basis. Completing a referral guarantees a review of the student profile to determine if testing is recommended for the student. The process for identification requires a body of evidence and often takes place throughout the school year.
The process takes approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.
Allison Fitzgerald
Link to the Referral form
100 Mile Club

Hello Alpine Families,
100 Mile Club will begin Monday, September 9, starting at 8:10am-8:40am.
Please use this link to register you student.

Allegria is starting soon! If you have a student in 3rd-5th grade who wants to join our choir please fill out this google form before our first rehearsal. Our first rehearsal will be on Thursday, September 26th at 8:10am in the music room. We are all so excited to make wonderful music with your students!
Attendance Awareness Month

Community Schools
Enrichment Class

Before and After School Child Care
St. Vrain Valley School District Community Schools is a dynamic, thriving, and vital partner in achieving the mission and vision of the school district. Our primary goal is provide opportunities to enrich the lives of children and families in safe, quality, affordable care and enrichment experiences that enhance academic, social-emotional development, and allow children to be creative and happy. Community Schools provide onsite extended learning day opportunities by tying student achievement to our programming, expanding educational opportunities for preschool children ages 3 and 4, and school age children five to thirteen. Additionally, programs offer indoor and outdoor recreation and nutritious snacks. Parents and students are encouraged to suggest ideas, toys, materials and snacks that would improve their children’s experience.
Click on the link for registration https://stvrain.revtrak.net/Elementary-Schools-1180/A-K/alpine-elementary/CS-Alpine-Elementary-Child-Care-and-Enrichment/
Family Guidebook
We are happy to share with you the Alpine Family Guidebook, a comprehensive resource designed with you all in mind. This guidebook is your go-to source for everything you need to know about Alpine Elementary, from our daily routines to important policies and procedures. We encourage you to take some time to explore its contents and keep it handy throughout the school year. With items thoughtfully arranged in alphabetical order, you’ll find it easy to locate any information you may need. We hope this guidebook helps you feel more connected and informed as part of our Alpine Elementary community.
Superintendent’s Town Hall Meeting
St. Vrain Valley Schools invites parents, teachers, staff, and community members to join Superintendent, Dr. Don Haddad, for one of our upcoming Superintendent Town Hall meetings. These annual open forums in each of our geographic areas provide an opportunity for Dr. Haddad and other district leaders to listen to our community’s questions and suggestions, share our many successes, and discuss our bold vision for the future.
Date and Location:
- Monday, 9/30, 5:30-7:00: Mead High School
School Accountability Committee
Are you looking to get involved?
The Alpine School Accountability Committee is an opportunity for parents and community members to have a voice in the continuous school improvement process. This team of volunteers meets with a teacher representative and the building principal 4-6 times per year to review school data, including climate surveys and achievement testing results. Members of the team learn about the continuous school improvement process as well as the progress of the students at Alpine Elementary, and offer insight and feedback. Members serve two years on a rotating basis, so 1-2 seats are open at the beginning of each school year. The School Improvement Team is an excellent way for members of the Alpine community to help us continue to achieve our very best. If you are interested, contact [email protected] by Friday, September 27.
Ways to help

Alpine Store
Hey, Alpine Elementary School fans!

Click here to access Alpine Sideline Store

Recent Updates
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Those who can, teach.
There is no more noble and important profession in our society than that of our educators. With over 90% of our nation’s children attending a public school, it is our teachers and staff, in partnership with parents and families, who are shaping the future of our world.
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Open Enrollment and Preschool/Kindergarten Registration Window for the 2022-23 School Year Opens December 1
Dear Parents and Guardians, Thank you for your partnership as we continue to advance the academic success and well-being of our students. St. Vrain Valley Schools is proud to offer a wide-range of rigorous academic focus programs that give your student a choice in selecting a school that best aligns with their interests. In order […]
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Make a difference. Join the #StVrainStorm.
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