Dear Alpine Families,
The Open Enrollment window for the St. Vrain Valley School District is December 1, 2023 through December 15, 2023. Open Enrollment is an opportunity to request that your student attend a school of choice, which is outside of their attendance area. Students who do not live within district boundaries, but want to attend a school in St. Vrain, need to complete the Open Enrollment form.
The Open Enrollment application is fully online. Visit this website for the online application and more information about the process.
This window is particularly important for families wishing to enroll their children in Kindergarten, sixth grade, or ninth grade for next year.
Please reach out to our front office if you have any questions.
Amber Marsolek, Principal
Jennifer Dalby, Dean of Students
Upcoming Events
Friday, November 10: Report Cards will be sent home with student
Monday, November 20 – Friday, November 24: Thanksgiving Break – No School
Monday, December 1st: Alpine Cafecito – 5:00pm-6:00pm
Monday, December 1st: Open Enrollment Window begins
Wednesday, December 6th: Late Start school begins at 11:25am
Friday December 22 – January 8 2024: Winter Break


Alpine Cell Phone Policy Reminder:
According to our Family Guidebook, Alpine students are welcome to bring cellphones to school. However, in order to preserve the learning environment, we require students to keep their phones and watch phones in their backpacks during school. If your child feels a need to make contact with you during the school day, they can discuss their need with their classroom teacher and may be able to access their phone during an appropriate time.
Special Community Events

District News

024-2025 Fall Preschool Pre-Registration Begins December 1
To better serve families and to support a more timely student preschool placement, St. Vrain’s Department of Early Childhood Education is offering families the opportunity to complete the district’s online pre-registration process prior to the state’s Universal Preschool (UPK) application. Families that pre-register in December will receive a notification of their placement from St. Vrain Valley Schools by the end of January, 2024. Pre-registered families will receive ongoing support and communication from St. Vrain Valley Schools if they choose to navigate the UPK process.
Learn more about St. Vrain’s new preschool pre-registration process >>

Reminder: Upcoming Parent University Session on Dyslexia, Nov. 14
St. Vrain’s Parent University program provides training, information, and resources to parents and caregivers in order to support the well-being and success of their children. Join Yes! Ambassadors: Youth Examples of Self-Advocacy on Nov. 14 at Coal Ridge Middle School from 5-6:30 p.m. as they present, What We Want Everyone to Know About Dyslexia: The student perspective.
Learn more about St. Vrain’s Parent University and view upcoming events >>

Preschool Openings Still Available for This School Year
St. Vrain Valley Schools’ preschool department has space available in high-quality preschool programming options across the district. If your child is 3-4 years old and you are interested in enrolling your child in one of our district’s preschool programs for the current school year, please contact Bertha Olivares, Early Childhood Family Liaison at 303-702-8370 or [email protected] to learn about the different preschool opportunities and availability options.

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Those who can, teach.
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Open Enrollment and Preschool/Kindergarten Registration Window for the 2022-23 School Year Opens December 1
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