Alpine Inquirer 4-4-19
Alpine Inquirer 4-4-19
Alpine Inquirer 4-4-19
Weekly Staff Member HighlightIn an effort to introduce our fabulous staff to the broader community, we highlight one staff member a week in our newsletter. Instead of typical bios, we will present some fun info about each person. For full bios, please visit our website. Please meet: Bethany RichardsPosition: School CouncelorOne item checked off her […]
Weekly Staff Member HighlightIn an effort to introduce our fabulous staff to the broader community, we highlight one staff member a week in our newsletter. Instead of typical bios, we will present some fun info about each person. For full bios, please visit our website. Please meet: Juliann DaleyPosition: 2nd Grade TeacherOne item checked off […]
Alpine Inquirer 3-15-19
We are still in need of pictures for our yearbook. Contact Amy Sullivan at [email protected] Great News! King Soopers is making it easier than ever to earn money for our school. Look in this week’s Thursday folders for instructions on how to link your loyalty card with Alpine Elementary PTO so that every time […]
We need your help!We are creating a new prototyping area (makerspace) in our library and need your help to stock it with recycled materials. We are looking for household items such as:Flat Stuff: foam sheets, felt, transparency film, bubble wrap, old cds Paper: construction paper, card stockBuilding Materials: foil and saran wrap, paper towel and toilet paper tubes, egg […]
Weekly Staff Member HighlightIn an effort to introduce our fabulous staff to the broader community, we highlight one staff member a week in our newsletter. Instead of typical bios, we will present some fun info about each person. For full bios, please visit our website. Please meet: Elizabeth LennertPosition: Kindergarten TeacherOne item checked off her bucket […]
Alpine Inquirer 3-7-19
Alpine Inquirer 2-28-19
Alpine Inquirer 2-21-19